Vol. 61, No. 1, 1975

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Relations between packing and covering numbers of a tree

A. Meir and John W. Moon

Vol. 61 (1975), No. 1, 225–233

Let Pk denote the size of the largest subset of nodes of a tree T with n nodes such that the distance between any two nodes in the subset is at least k + 1; let Ck denote the size of the smallest subset of nodes of T such that every node of T is at distance at most k from some node in the subset. We determine various relations involving Pk and Ck; in particular, we show that Pk + kCk n if n k + 1 and that P2k = Ck.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 05C05
Received: 11 November 1974
Revised: 22 February 1975
Published: 1 November 1975
A. Meir
John W. Moon