The paper studies a spline
function Sn(x)(0 < x < ∞) of degree n, with knots at the points of the
geometric progression xk= qk (q is fixed > 1, k = 0,±1,±2,⋯ ), which in
shown to be uniquely defined by the following two properties: 1∘. Sn(x)
interpolates the function f(x) =logx∕logq at all the knots qk, 2∘. Sn(x) satisfies
the functional equation Sn(qx) = Sn(x) + 1 for x > 0. Sn(x) is explicitly
determined and shown to share with f(x) some of its global properties. The main
point is the detailed study of the somewhat surprising behavior of Sn(x) as
n →∞.