Let Q be a Cn-valued
quadratic form on Cm. Let N(Q) be the 2-step nilpotent group defined on Rn ×Cm
by the group law
Then N(Q) has a faithful representation as a group of complex affine transformations of
Cn+m as follows:
where g = (x0,u0). The orbit of the origin is the surface
This surface is of the type introduced in [11], and has an induced ∂b-complex (as
described in that paper) which is, roughly speaking, the residual part (along Σ) of
the ∂-complex on Cn+m. Since the action of N(Q) is complex analytic, it lifts to an
action on the spaces Eq of this complex which commutes with ∂b. Since the action of
N(Q) is by translations, the ordinary Euclidean inner product on Cn+m is
N(Q)-invariant, and thus N(Q) acts unitarily in the L2-metrics on C0∞(Eq) defined
where dV is ordinary Lebesgue surface measure. In this way we obtain unitary
representations ρq of N(Q) on the square-integrable cohomology spaces Hq(E) of the
induced ∂b-complex.