In this paper the following
results are proved. Theorem. Let S,M be complex manifolds, S a Stein manifold, and
f : S → M a holomorphic embedding. Let K ⊂ S be compact, and let Nf be the
normal bundle of f. We identify S with the zero section of Nf. Then in Nf, there is
a neighborhood U of K, and a holomorphic embedding F : U → M such that
F|U ∩ S = f. If f above is an immersion, then there is an immersion F as above.
There is also an analogous result for holomorphic maps f which are regular at some
point p in S.
The idea of the proof is to construct a function ϕ on a neighborhood of
f(K) ⊂ M such that ϕ is strictly plurisubharmonic and ϕ−1((−∞,c]) is compact
for all c in R. Then a result of Forster and Ramspott is applied to get the
final results. To construct ϕ, special coordinates are obtained near f(S) in