Let u be the Green’s
potential of a nonnegative mass distribution μ on unit disk D, defined by
 | (1.1) |
where G is the Green’s function on D. The following will be proved.
Theorem 1. Suppose 0 < ρ < 1 and
 | (1.2) |
Then for almost all 𝜃, 0 ≦ 𝜃 < 2π, u has finite variation on the line segment joining
ρei𝜃 and ei𝜃.
Theorem 2. Fix 𝜃, 0 ≦ 𝜃 < 2π and suppose
 | (1.3) |
If L is a circular arc in D centered at ei𝜃, then for all a on L except a set of
capacity zero, u has finite variation on the line segment joining a and ei𝜃.