Vol. 66, No. 2, 1976

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On semi-simple group algebras. II

Eugene Spiegel and Allan Trojan

Vol. 66 (1976), No. 2, 553–559

For F a field and G a group, let FG denote the group algebra of G over F. Let 𝒢 be a class of finite groups. Call the fields F and F equivalent on 𝒢 if for all G,H ∈𝒢, FG FH if and only if FG FH. In [9] we began a study of this equivalence relation, discussing the case when 𝒢 consists of alI finite p-groups, for p an odd prime. In this note we continue our study of the equivalence relation. Section one deals with some general results, section two solves the equivalence problem when 𝒢 is the class of all finite 2-groups, and some remarks about the results are made in section three.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20C05
Received: 22 July 1975
Published: 1 October 1976
Eugene Spiegel
Allan Trojan