Vol. 67, No. 2, 1976

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Parametrized surgery and isotopy

Wu-Chung Hsiang and Richard W. Sharpe

Vol. 67 (1976), No. 2, 401–459

The pseudo-isotopy techniques of Cerf-Hatcher-Wagoner are combined with surgery theory to give information about the group of isotopy classes of diffeomorphisms of a smooth manifold. For example, for the n-torus, n 6, this group is determined completely. We also provide a geometric interpretation of the periodicity sequence of [11].

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57E05, 57E05
Secondary: 58D05, 57D60
Received: 31 October 1975
Published: 1 December 1976
Wu-Chung Hsiang
Richard W. Sharpe