Let C(X), C(Y ) be the rings of
real-valued continuous functions on the completely regular Hausdorff spaces X, Y
and let T = C(X) ⊗C(Y ) be the subring of C(X ×Y ) generated by functions of the
form fg, where f ∈ C(X) and g ∈ C(Y ). If P is a real polynomial, then P ∘t ∈ T for
every t ∈ T. If G ∘ t ∈ T for all t ∈ T and if G is analytic, then G is a polynomial,
provided that X and Y are both infinite (A. W. Hager, Math. Zeitschr. 92,
(1966), 210–224, Prop. 3.). In this note I remove the condition of analyticity.
Clearly the cardinality condition is necessary, for if either X or Y is finite,
then T = C(X × Y ) and G ∘ t ∈ T for every continuous G and for every
t ∈ T.