Suppose X and Y are
complete metric spaces, g : X → X an arbitrary mapping, and f : X → Y a closed
mapping (thus, for {xn}⊂ X the conditions xn → x and f(xn) → y imply f(x) = y).
It is shown that if there exists a lower semicontinuous function φ mapping f(X)
into the nonnegative real numbers and a constant c > 0 such that for all
x in X, max{d(x,g(x)),cd(f(x),f(g(x)))}≦ φ(f(x)) − φ(f(g(x))), then
g has a fixed point in X. This theorem is then used to prove surjectivity
theorems for nonlinear closed mappings f : X → Y , where X and Y are Banach