Let X be a compact
Hausdorff space, let Rp be p-dimensional Euclidean space, and let (X,Rp) be a
minimal transformation group. It may happen that xH will always contain
flow lines in at least one direction in Rp for any discretr syndetic subgroup
H no matter how sparce. We interpret this phenomena as some intrinsic
shearing motion in the minimal transformation group. This is quantified in
Section 1 and it turns out that equicontinuous minimal sets have as little
shear as possible. Since distality is also a rigidity condition, it is natural
to investigate the shear of a distal minimal set. We show by example in
Section 2 that distal minimal sets can contain more shear than equicontinuous
In Section 3 we show how the topology of xH is locally determined by local
sections and subspaces of Rρ. Using this result we prove in Section 4 that a distal
minimal action of Rn−1 with trivial isotropy on a compact n-dimensional manifold is
This paper contains portions of the first author’s dissertation [1] and
generalizations of some results in an unpublished preprint [6] by the second