Vol. 70, No. 2, 1977

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Quasi-affine transforms of subnormal operators

Che-Kao Fong

Vol. 70 (1977), No. 2, 361–368

For an operator T which is a quasi-affine transform of a subnormal operator S, we show that: (1) if S has no point spectrum and f : λ(T λ)1x is defined on an open set Ω, then there is a dense subset Ω0 of Ω such that fΩ0 is analytic; and (2) if Σ is a spectral set of T and Q is a peak set of R(Σ), then the spectral manifold XT(Q) is a reducing subspace of T and Q is a spectral set of TXT(Q).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47B20
Received: 14 September 1976
Revised: 14 September 1977
Published: 1 June 1977
Che-Kao Fong