A plane partition of the integer
n is a representation of n in the form n = ∑
i,j≧1nij where the integers nij are
nonnegative and nij ≧ ni,j+1, nij ≧ ni+1,j. In 1898, MacMahon conjectured
that the generating function for the number of symmetric plane partitions
(i.e., nij = nji) with each part at most m (i.e., n11 ≦ m) and at most s
rows (i.e., nij = 0 for i > s) has a simple closed form. In 1972, Bender and
Knuth conjectured that a simple closed form also exists for the generating
function for plane partitions having at most s rows, n11 ≦ m and strict
decrease along rows (i.e., nij > ni,j+1 whenever nij > 0). The main theorem of
this paper establishes that each conjecture follows immediately from the
In the first paper of this series, MacMahon’s conjecture was proved. Hence a
corollary of the main theorem here is the truth of the Bender-Knuth conjecture; the
Bender-Knuth coniecture has also been proved in a different manner by Basil