Vol. 74, No. 1, 1978

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Local and global bifurcation from normal eigenvalues. II

John Alan MacBain

Vol. 74 (1978), No. 1, 143–152

This paper studies the bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear eigenvalue problems of the form Lu = λu + H(λ,u), where L is linear and H is o(u) uniformly on bounded λ intervals. This paper shows that isolated eigenvalues of L having odd multiplicity are bifurcation points if H merely has a “degree” of compactness, but is not necessarily compact (treated in [3], [5]). Moreover, a global alternative theorem follows.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 47H15
Received: 16 February 1977
Published: 1 January 1978
John Alan MacBain