Vol. 74, No. 1, 1978

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Banach spaces which satisfy linear identities

Bruce Reznick

Vol. 74 (1978), No. 1, 221–233

In 1935, Jordan and von Neumann proved that any Banach space which satisfies the parallelogram law

∥x+ y∥2 + ∥x − y∥2 = 2(∥x∥2 + ∥y∥2)
for all elements x and y
must be a Hilbert space.

Subsequent authors have found norm conditions weaker than (1) which require a Banach space to be a Hilbert space. Notable examples include the results of Day, Lorch, Senechalle and Carlsson.

In this paper, we study nontrivial linear identities such as

∑m                         p
ak∥ck(0)x0 + ⋅⋅⋅+ ck(n)xn∥ = 0 for all elements xi

on a Banach space X.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46B99
Received: 5 May 1977
Revised: 27 July 1977
Published: 1 January 1978
Bruce Reznick
Department of Mathematics and Center for Advanced Study
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1409 W. Green Street
327 Altgeld Hall
Urbana IL 61801-2975
United States