Vol. 75, No. 2, 1978

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Triangulations with the free cell property

William Owen Murray, IV and L. Bruce Treybig

Vol. 75 (1978), No. 2, 487–496

We show that if each of M1 and M2 is a connected, orientable, 3-manifold having a triangulation with the free cell property, then the connected sum M1#M2 has a natural triangulation with the free cell property. We also show that if M is a connected, orientable, 3-manifold having a triangulation with the free cell property, and a manifold N is formed from M by adding a handle, then N has a natural triangulation with the free cell property. These theorems are then applied to show that E3 and various other noncompact 3-manifolds have triangulations wilh the free cell property.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57Q05
Secondary: 57Q15
Received: 29 October 1976
Revised: 8 June 1977
Published: 1 April 1978
William Owen Murray, IV
L. Bruce Treybig