Let P(α,β) denote
the class of functions p(z) = 1 + b1z + ⋯ which are analytic and satisfy
the inequality |(p(z) − 1)∕{2β(p(z) − α) − (p(z) − 1)}| < 1 for some α,
β (0 ≦ α < 1,0 < β ≦ 1) and all z ∈ E = {z : |z| < 1}. Also, let
Pb(α,β) = {p ∈ P(α,β) : p′(0) = 2bβ(1 − α),0 ≦ b ≦ 1}. In the present paper, we
determine sharp estimates for the radii of convexity for functions in the classes Ra(α,β)
and Sa∗(α,β) where Ra(α,β) = {f(z) = z + aβ(1 −α)z2 + ⋯ : f′∈ Pa(α,β),0 ≦ a ≦ 1},
Sa∗(α,β) = {g(z) = z + 2aβ(1 −α)z2 + ⋯ : zg′∕g ∈ Pa(α,β),0 ≦ a ≦ 1}. The results
thus obtained not only sharpen and generalize the various known results but also give
rise to several new results.