Vol. 78, No. 2, 1978

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The typeset and cotypeset of a rank 2 abelian group

Phillip Schultz

Vol. 78 (1978), No. 2, 503–517

Let T and Tbe sets of types. This paper describes necessary and sufficient conditions on (T,T) for the existence of a rank 2 torsion-free abelian group A such that T is the set of types of elements of A, and Tis the set of types of rank 1 factor groups of A. Moreover, it classifies all such A and gives necessary and sufficient conditions for A to be completely anisotropic.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20K15
Received: 6 June 1977
Revised: 1 November 1977
Published: 1 October 1978
Phillip Schultz