Suppose that T denotes a
strongly continuous semigroup of continuous transformations on a closed subset C of
a complete metric space. For arbitrary decreasing sequences {δn}n=1∞ and
{αn}n=1∞ of positive numbers converging to 0, the inverse limit spaces generated by
{T(δn)(C),T(δn − δn+1)}n=1∞ and {T(αn)(C),T(αn − αn+1)}n=1∞ are
homeomorphic and contain a dense one-to-one continuous image of C. Conversely,
given an inverse limit system with bonding maps {fn}n=1∞ so that (i) fn : C → C,
(ii) if x is in C, limn→∞fn(x) = x, and (iii) fn+1 ∘fn+1 = fn, conditions are given
under which a semigroup, and consequently a family of homeomorphic inverse limits,
can be recovered.
Examples are given which illustrate analytical applications and topological