Let F = F(x,y) be a
complex valued axisymmetric potential (ASP) regular in the closed unit sphere about
the origin in E3. Let the error in the approximation of F over ℛn,ν (where ℛn,ν
is the set of all Newtonian potentials Rn.ν ≡ Pn∗(1∕Qν) generated from
axisymmetric harmonic polynomials Pn and Qν by quasimultiplication) be defined
n,ν = 0,1,2,⋯ . Then properties of the sequence {ρν}ν=0∞, ρν−1 = limsupn→∞[En,ν(F)]1∕n,
(i) the sphere to which F continues as an ASP with atmost (precisely) ν-singular
circles (ii) the largest sphere of continuation as an ASP and (iii) the NASC for
a sphere to contain infinitely many singular circles of the continuation of