Vol. 82, No. 1, 1979

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Right self-injective rings whose essential right ideals are two-sided

Kenneth Alfred Byrd

Vol. 82 (1979), No. 1, 23–41

A ring R of the kind described by the title is called a right q-ring and is characterized by the property that each of its right ideals is quasi-injective as a right R-module. The principal results of this paper are Theorem 6, which describes how an arbitrary right q-ring is constructed from division rings, local rings, and right q-rings with no primitive idempotent, and Theorem 5 which shows that a right q-ring cannot have an infinite set of orthogonal noncentral idempotents.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 16A52, 16A52
Received: 2 August 1977
Revised: 31 July 1978
Published: 1 May 1979
Kenneth Alfred Byrd