Vol. 82, No. 2, 1979

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On the asymptotic behavior of large prime factors of integers

Krishnaswami Alladi and Paul Erdős

Vol. 82 (1979), No. 2, 295–315

We prove results on the asymptotic behavior of Iarge prime factors of the integers. The basic idea of the paper is that if k is any fixed integer, then the k-th largest prime factor of n, denoted by Pk(n) is generally much bigger than j>kPj(n). We give precise estimates of this phenomenon. This paper is a sequel to an earlier paper by the authors.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 10H15, 10H15
Received: 3 April 1978
Revised: 16 October 1978
Published: 1 June 1979
Krishnaswami Alladi
Paul Erdős