A Peano space is a
connected, locally connected and locally compact metric space. A region in a space X
is an open and connected subset of X. A space X is σ-eonnected if every
sequence A1,A2,⋯ of closed, mutually disjoint subsets of X, with at least two of
them nonempty, fails to cover X. A connected space X is unicoherent (resp.,
σ-unicoherent) if for every pair H, K of closed and connected (resp., and
σ-connected) sets with union X, the intersection H ∩ K is connected (resp.,
Theorem. Let X be a plane Peano space. Then the following properties areequivalent:
X is unicoherent;
There exists a cover of X formed by unicoherent regions U1⊂ U2⊂⋯with compact closures;
X is σ-unicoherent, and
If M1,M2,⋯is a sequence of closed, mutually disjoint subsets of X suchthat X−Miis connected for every i, then X−(M1∪M2∪⋯) is connected.