Given open connected Ω,
Ω⊆ Rn and continuous T : Ω → R, F :Ω→ R both strictly monotonic in each
variable separately. The equation h{T(x1,⋯,xn)} = F{f1(x1),⋯,fn(xn)} for the
unknowns h : T(Ω) → R and π : (f1,⋯,fn) : Ω →Ω can be interpreted within the
theory of webs (the “Gewebe” of Blaschke-Bol). The web structure is then used to
prove: any continuous solution π is uniquely determined on Ω by its value at two
points of Ω; if a solution π is not continuous on Ω, then π(ω) is dense in Ω for every
open ω in Ω; if a solution π is continuous at one point of Ω, it is continuous on
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 39B20, 39B20
Secondary: 39B50
Received: 13 March 1978
Revised: 20 October 1978
Published: 1 June 1979
M. A. McKiernan
Department of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo ON N2L 3G1