Vol. 83, No. 2, 1979

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An explicit formula for the fundamental units of a real pure sextic number field and its Galois closure

Ken Nakamula

Vol. 83 (1979), No. 2, 463–471

The object of this paper is to give a set of fundamental units of a real pure sextic number field K = Q(6√a6-−-1-), where a is a special type of natural number and a6 1 is not necessarily 6th power free. It is also shown that a set of fundamental units of the galois closure L = K(√ − 3) of K is formed by a real unit and its conjugates.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 12A40, 12A40
Secondary: 12A45
Received: 8 June 1977
Revised: 21 December 1978
Published: 1 August 1979
Ken Nakamula