A recursion formula for
H(Ω(X ∨Y )), the homology of the loop space of the wedge of the spaces X and Y is
established when ΩX and ΩY are connected, and have finite dimensional homology.
The recursion formula is expressed in terms of H(ΩX) and H(ΩY ), and applies to
dimensions higher than a fixed integer which depends on the dimension of the
highest nonvanishing homologies of ΩX and ΩY . A similar but much simpler
recursion formula for H(ΩX)∐H(ΩY ), the co-product of the two algebras
H(ΩX) and H(ΩY ) is also formulated. If G1 and G2 are topological groups
and G1∗ G2 is their co-product in the category, then our results definitely
hold for H(G1∗ G2) by replacing ΩX by G1, ΩY by G2, and Ω(X ∨ Y ) by
G1∗ G2.