In this work a Lax-Milgram
type theorem is proved for quadratic spaces over a division ring K with involution *,
say, whose center contains an ordered domain P such that for every element a in K,
aa∗ = |a|2, (where |a|, the absolute value of a, is in P+ which is the set of positive
elements of P), and for every element b in P+ there exists an element c in P+,
denoted by b1∕2, such that c2 = b. Specifically, with the above assumptions on K, the
following is proved:
Let (Hi,Φi) i = 1,2 be quadratic spaces over K such that for each u in H2
sup|Φ2(u,v)|(|Φ2(v,v)|1∕2)−1 exists and equals |Φ2(u,u)|1∕2. Let B : H1 ×H2 → K
be an orthocontinuous bilinear form satisfying:
- inf x≠0 supy≠0|B(x,y)|(|Φ1(x,x)|1∕2|Φ2(y,y)|1∕2)−1 = γ exists and γ −δ is
in P+ for some δ in P+.
- sup|B(x,y)| exists and is in P+ for all y≠0 x ∈ H.
Then given any orthocontinuous linear functional ϕ on H2 whose kernel is
splitting there exists a unique element x0 in H1 such that ϕ(y) = B(x0,y) for all y in
δ−1 supy≠0|ϕ(y)|(|Φ2(y,y)|1∕2)−1 −|Φ1(x0,x0)|1∕2 ∈ P+ ∪{0}.