It is the main purpose of this
paper to prove the following two theorems.
Theorem I. (Isomorphism) Let (X,R+,f) be a semiflow on a separable metric space
(X,d), having the properties:
- there is an ω ∈ X such that, for each neighborhood U of ω, there is a
T ∈ R+ with f[X,t] ⊂ U for all t ≧ T;
- for each t ∈ R+, f(⋅,t) is a homeomorphism of X onto a closed subspace
of X.
Then (X,R+,f) is isomorphic to a radial semiflow on a subset of the Hilbert Cube in
Theorem II. (Homomorphism) If (X,R+,f) satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem I,
with (i) replaced by
- ∩{f[X,t] : t ≧ 0} = {ω} for some ω ∈ X, then (X,R+,f) is homomorphic
to a radial semiflow on a subset of the Hilbert Cube C and the subsemiflow
induced on X∕{ω} is isomorphic to a radial semiflow in C.