Vol. 91, No. 2, 1980

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Canonical models for invariant subspaces

Michael John McAsey

Vol. 91 (1980), No. 2, 377–395

The invariant subspace structure of an operator algebra L+ is completely determined. The non-selfadjoint algebra is constructed from a cyclic transformation acting on a finite set. There is a distinguished (finite) set of invariant subspaces of L+ which has been identified elsewhere. These subspaces are used as canonical models; all other invariant subspaces for L+ are described in terms of these subspaces. Uniqueness of this representation is also discussed.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47A15
Secondary: 47A45, 47D25
Received: 20 April 1979
Published: 1 December 1980
Michael John McAsey