The purpose of this paper is to
describe extensions of the work of Errett Bishop on the location of zeroes of
complex-valued analytic functions. The main result deals with the number of zeroes
of an analytic function f near the boundary of a closed disc well contained in
the domain of f. A particular consequence of this result is the following
Let f be analytic and not identically zero on a connected open subset U of C, K
a compact set well contained in U, and 𝜀 > 0. Then either inf{|f(z)| : z ∈ K} > 0 or
there exist finitely many points z1,⋯,zn of U and an analytic function g on U such
inf{|g(z)| : z ∈ K} > 0 and d(zk,K) < 𝜀 for each k.
The paper is written entirely within the framework of Bishop’s constructive