Throughout we consider
K(t) = ei|t|a
∕|t|b, a > 0, a≠1, b < 1 and t ∈ R. Here we consider for fixed λ,μ > 0
the function B(λ,μ;K) = B(λ,μ) = ∫
χλ(x)K ∗χμ(x)dx where the sup is taken
over all “characteristic” functions χλ, χμ with complex signs (i.e., χμ is a measurable
function for which |χμ| = 1 on E, |χμ| = 0 off E and |E|≦ μ(μ > 0)). We
estimate B(λ,μ;K) within constant factors from above and below. This
settles the endpoint problems for these kernels, at least in the weak restricted