Let 𝒫 = {pk}k=0∞
where p0= 2 and pk, k > 0, is the k-th prime in the sequence of positive
integers congruent to 1 modulo 4. Thus 𝒫 contains the prime divisors of
all the integers n2+ 1. For each t = 0,1,⋯ let P(t) = Πk=0tpk. It will be
shown that for each sufficiently large integer t there exists a sequence 𝒞t of
consecutive integers n such that (i) (n2+ 1,P(t)) > 1 for all n in 𝒞t, (ii) card
𝒞t≧ [(1 −𝜀)λpt],0 < 𝜀 < 1, for a certain positive constant λ, and (iii) pt< n < P(t)
for all n in 𝒞t.