Vol. 97, No. 1, 1981

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On the closed images of paracomplexes

Takemi Mizokami

Vol. 97 (1981), No. 1, 183–195

Let X be an image of a paracomplex by a closed mapping. Then the following are proved: (1) X is an M1-space, and this solves positively the problem proposed by J. Nagata, (2) dimX = Ind X, and (3) dimX n if and only if there exists a σ-closure-preserving base 𝒲 for X such that dimB(W) n 1 for every W ∈𝒲.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54E20
Secondary: 54F45
Received: 30 October 1980
Published: 1 November 1981
Takemi Mizokami