We consider real varieties in
Kn∕k, where K∕k is maximally ordered and k is dense in K. Our principal results
Theorem 1. Assume V is irreducible. A. The closure of the set of all simple points
equals the set of all central points — z ∈ V is central if some order of k(V )∕k
contains every function which is positive at z. B. If f + r is totally positive in k(V )∕k
for every positive r in k, then f itself is totally positive.
Theorem 2. For a semi-algebraic set S in Kn defined by polynomial relations
bj(x) = 0, gi(x) > 0 (1 ≦ i,j ≦ m), define B = (b1,⋯,bm), G = {g1,⋯,gm}. Then
every irreducible component of V k(B) contains central points on S if and only if (∗)
for 0 < pi ∈ k, gij ∈ G, ai ∈ k[X], ∑
ipiΠjgij ai2 ∈ implies every ai ∈.