Vol. 101, No. 1, 1982

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Semigroups of quasinormal operators

Mary Rodriguez Embry

Vol. 101 (1982), No. 1, 103–113

Strongly continuous semi-groups {Qt} of quasinormal operators on Hilbert space are characterized as follows: there exist Hilbert spaces and 𝒦, a strongly continuous normal semi-group {Nt} on and a strongly continuous self-adjoint semi-group {h(t)} on 𝒦 such that {Qt} is unitarily equivalent to {Nt} {h(t)Lt} on 2(𝒦), where {Lt} is the forward translation semi-group on 2(𝒦) and (h(t)f)(x) = h(t)f(x) a.e. for each f in 2(𝒦).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47D05, 47D05
Secondary: 47B20
Received: 1 May 1981
Published: 1 July 1982
Mary Rodriguez Embry