An affine manifold is a
differentiable manifold without boundary together with a maximal atlas of coordinate
charts such that all coordinate changes extend to affine automorphisms of Rn. These
distinguished charts are called affine coordinate systems.
Throughout this paper M denotes a connected affine manifold of dimension
n ≧ 1. We write E for Rn.
A tensor (field) on M is called polynomial if in all affine coordinate systems its
coefficients are polynomial functions in n variables. In particular a real-valued
function on M may be polynomial.
It is unknown whether there exists any compact affine manifold admitting a
nonconstant polynomial function. The main purpose of this paper is to prove that for
certain classes of affine manifolds there is no such function. These results are then
applied to demonstrate that certain polynomial forms must also vanish.
For related results, see Fried, Goldman, and Hirsch [2], Fried [1], [6], and