Let A be a strongly logmodular
subalgebra of C(X), where X is a totally disconnected compact Hausdorff space. For
s a weak peak set for A, define As = {f ∈ C(X) : f|s ∈ A|s}. We prove the
Theorem1. Let s be a weak peak set for A. If b is an inner function such that b|s is
invertible in A|s then there exists a function F in A ∩ C(X)−1 such that F = b on
Theorem 2. Let s be a weak peak set for A. If U ∈ C(X), |U| = 1 on s and
dist(U,As) < 1, then there exists a unimodular function Ũ in C(X) such that
Ũ = U on s and dist(Ũ,A) < 1.