Vol. 102, No. 2, 1982

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p-adic analog of Heine’s hypergeometric q-series

Neal I. Koblitz

Vol. 102 (1982), No. 2, 373–383

Generalized complex analytic special functions of various types, depending on a parameter 0 < q < 1, have recently been studied by R. Askey, G. E. Andrews and others [1–3]. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a p-adic analytic construction which is analogous to the classical theory of E. Heine’s [7] q-extension of the hypergeometric function.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11S80
Secondary: 33A35, 11Q25
Received: 5 June 1980
Published: 1 October 1982
Neal I. Koblitz