Vol. 103, No. 2, 1982

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Rank2 p-groups, p > 3, and Chern classes

Kahtan Alzubaidy

Vol. 103 (1982), No. 2, 259–267

In this paper, the integral cohomology ring of a Blackburn’s type III rank2 p-group (p > 3) (the rank of a p-group is the rank of a maximal elementary abelian subgroup) is computed and the even dimensional generators are expressed in terms of Chern classes of certain group representations. Then this group satisfies Atiyah’s conjecture on the coincidence of topological and algebraic filtrations defined on the complex representation ring of the group.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20J06
Received: 22 September 1980
Revised: 23 September 1981
Published: 1 December 1982
Kahtan Alzubaidy