By local isometries we mean
mappings which locally preserve distances. Local isometries which do not increase
distances are called nonexpansive local isometries. A few of the main results
Let f be a local isometry (nonexpansive local isometry) of a finitely
compact metric space (M,ρ) into itself. If for each (some) z ∈ M the
sequence {fn(z)} is bounded, then there exists a unique decomposition of
M into disjoint open sets, M = M0f∪ M1f∪⋯ , such that (i) f maps
M0f injectively into itself, and (ii) f(Mi+1f) ⊂ Miffor each i = 0,1,⋯ .
Moreover, f maps M0f homeomorphically (isometrically) onto itself.
Let f be a nonexpansive local isometry (local isometry) of a connected
(convex) finitely compact metric space (M,ρ) into itself. If for some z ∈ M
the sequence {fn(z)} is bounded, then f is an isometry onto.