Vol. 103, No. 2, 1982

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Estimates of meromorphic functions and summability theorems

Andrei Shkalikov

Vol. 103 (1982), No. 2, 569–582

The main goal of this paper is to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1. Let L be an unbounded operator in a Hilbert space H, having a discrete spectrum {λj}⊂ G = BR Pq,h, where BR = {λ : |λ|R}, Pq,h = {λ : Re λ 0,|λ| > 1,|Im λ|h(Re λ)q,h > 0,−∞ < q < 1}, and for some γ < , L1 σγ. Also let the estimate

        −1      −1         --
∥(Iλ − L)  ∥ ≦ Cd  (λ,G),  λ∈G

hold outside the domain G= BR Pq,2h, and for some a > 0, p > 0

 ∑   1 = n(t) ≦ dtp

provided t is sufficiently large.

Then L A(α,H) for any α > max0, p (1 q).

Besides, if the numbers a or h can be chosen arbitrarily small and p(1 q) > 0, then α = p (1 q) is admissible.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47A70
Secondary: 30D30
Received: 14 April 1980
Published: 1 December 1982
Andrei Shkalikov