Let (Xα)α∈I be a family of
Polish spaces, X = Πα∈IXα, and B the product of the Borel fields of the spaces Xα.
For K ⊂ I let XK = Πα∈KXα and let πK : X → XK be the canonical
projection. Moreover, let n be a σ-ideal in B satisfying the following Fubini type
N ∈ n if and only if πJ−1({z ∈ XJ|πI∖J−1({y ∈ XI∖J|(z,y) ∈ N})∉n}) ∈ n for
every nonempty J ⊂ I. Then, given an automorphism Φ from B∕n onto itself,
there exists a bijection f : X → X such that f and f−1 are measurable
for all B ∈ B.