Let G denote a noncompact
Hausdorff locally compact abelian group, Γ its character group, and write (Ls,lt)∧
for the space of Fourier transforms of functions in the amalgam (Ls,lt). We
show that for 1 ≦ p < q ≦∞ the local inclusion (L1,lp)∧(L∞,lq)∧ is
strict, that is, given any nonvoid open subset Ω of Γ there exists f ∈ (L∞,lq)
such that f −ĝ does not vanish on Ω for any g ∈ (L1,lp). If in addition
G is assumed to be second countable then we show there exists such an f
independent of the choice of Ω. Of special interest is the case, included in the above
results, where the amalgams (L1,lq), (L∞,lp) are replaced by Lp(G), Lq(G)