Vol. 99, No. 2, 1982

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Notes on generalized boundary value problems in Banach spaces. II. Infinite-dimensional extension theory

Richard Clark Brown

Vol. 99 (1982), No. 2, 271–302

Let X, Y be Banach spaces and 𝒜 : X Y , : Y X be linear relations. Suppose 𝒜 is a restriction of the adjoint (or preadjoint) of and the codimension of G(𝒜) in G() is not necessarily finite. Under certain hypotheses we can describe in computationally useful ways extensions 𝒞 of 𝒜 which are restrictions of and their adjoints. The theory is applied to a number of examples and is a direct extension of a previous paper which mainly treated the finite dimensional case.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47A05
Secondary: 34G10
Received: 12 March 1980
Revised: 20 May 1981
Published: 1 April 1982
Richard Clark Brown