In studying maximal
nonparabolic subgroups of the modular group, B. H. Neumann and later C. Tretkoff
were led to study pairs of permutations A and B of an infinite set Ω such that
A2 = B3 = 1 and that C = AB is transitive on Ω. Here we study such triples
(Ω,A,B), but without the requirement that Ω be infinite. Our method is to associate
with each such triple a graph G∗(Ω,A,B). Such graphs have been used before,
especially by Stothers and by Cori.
Our central result here is that the graphs under consideration are precisely those
that can be obtained by attaching trees, in certain simple specified ways, to finite or
infinite graphs equipped with a reduced path that traverses each edge exactly once in
each direction.