Vol. 105, No. 1, 1983

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Super-primitive elements

Ira J. Papick

Vol. 105 (1983), No. 1, 217–226

Given an extension, R T, of commutative integral domains with identity, we say an element u T is super-primitive over R, if u is the root of a polynomial f R[x] with cR(f)1 = R, i.e., a super-primitive polynomial. The main purpose of this paper is to provide “super-primitive” analogues to some work of Gilmer-Hoffmann and Dobbs concerning primitive elements. (An element u T is called primitive over R, if u is the root of a polynomial f R[x] with cR(f) = R.)

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 13B20, 13B20
Secondary: 13A15, 13G05
Received: 18 August 1981
Published: 1 March 1983
Ira J. Papick