Vol. 108, No. 2, 1983

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Natural transformations of tensor-products of representation-functors. I. Combinatorial preliminaries

Jacob Towber

Vol. 108 (1983), No. 2, 465–478

The present paper furnishes some combinatorial preliminaries towards a study of natural transformations between tensor products of shape functors α and co-shape functors α. The main result is the construction of an explicit basis for the module defined by (1) below; an apparently new result used for this purpose, which may be of some independent interest, is a ‘column-free’ expression for the Young idempotent NPN (in Young’s terminology) associated with a partition, given by 1.2 below.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 15A69
Secondary: 05A17, 20C30, 16A64
Received: 6 June 1981
Published: 1 October 1983
Jacob Towber