Suppose a compact
connected Lie group G acts effectively on a simply connected 4-manifold M. Then we
show that G is one of the groups SO(5), SU(3)∕Z(G), SO(3) × SO(3), SO(4),
SO(3) ×T1, (SU(2) ×T1)∕D, SU(2), SO(3), T2, T1, and that the representatives of
the conjugacy classes of the principal isotropy groups for these groups on
M are, respectively, SO(4), U(2), T2, SO(3), S1, S1, SO(2) or e, SO(2) or
D2n, e, and e. We also show that in each of these cases M is a connected
sum of copies of S4, S2 × S2, CP2, and −CP2 (except when G is T1, see
Theorem 2.6).