Vol. 110, No. 1, 1984

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Harmonic analysis on central hypergroups and induced representations

Wilfried Hauenschild, Eberhard Kaniuth and Ajay Kumar

Vol. 110 (1984), No. 1, 83–112

Various results from harmonic analysis and representation theory for central locally compact groups and compact hypergroups, including the Plancherel theorem and the Inversion formula, as well as the finite dimensionality of irreducible representations, are extended to central hypergroups. Moreover, representations induced from unitary representations of the maximal subgroup of a hypergroup are defined and studied.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A65
Secondary: 22A25
Received: 31 March 1982
Revised: 19 May 1982
Published: 1 January 1984
Wilfried Hauenschild
Eberhard Kaniuth
Ajay Kumar