A new characterization of
normal structure is given, which allows to prove permanence properties of normal
structure such as preservation under finite direct-sum-operations — e.g., the
lpN-direct sums, 1 < p ≤∞ - as well as under certain infinite direct-sum-operations
— e.g., the lp-direct sums, 1 < p < ∞.
Furthermore, it is shown that a normed space has isonormal structure — i.e., it is
isomorphic to a normally structured space — if and only if it can be mapped
by a continuous linear one-to-one operator into some normally structured
Finally, some problems are discussed, such as preservation of normal structure
under the l12-direct-sum-operation. To solve the latter at least partially, a
sum-property is introduced which implies normal structure. This sum-property is
implied by all known sufficient conditions for normal structure, and it is preserved
under all finite direct-sum-operations.