We consider a real reductive
group G with complex points G(C), Galois automorphism σ, and real points
G(R) = {g ∈ G(C) : σ(g) = g}. In general, an irreducible admissible representation Π
of G(C) equivalent to its Galois conjugate Π ∘σ need not be a lift from G(R), even if
G is quasi-split over R. Following the results of L-indistinguishability we might
expect this phenomenon to be related to the fact that σ-twisted conjugacy
on G(C) need not be “stable”, and therefore attempt to match the various
“unstable” combinations of σ-twisted orbital integrals on G(C) with stable orbital
integrals on certain groups H(R). The principle of functoriality in the L-group
would then suggest, with reservations in the nontempered case, a relation
between the σ-twisted characters of representations of G(C) fixed up to
equivalence by σ and the “dual lifts” to G(C) of stable characters on the groups
In this paper we define the relevant groups H… they turn out to be the
endoscopic groups from L-indistinguishability... and prove a matching theorem for
orbital integrals. As a preliminary to the proposed dual liftings of characters
we also study the “factoring” of Galois-invariant Langlands parameters for